It's 36* here this morning and there is a slight frost laying on top of my car. I dread driving in weather like this as other's don't slow down and use caution. I need the additional hours at work but am wishing I was still off today. I'll be home before lunch though so it's not an ALL DAY venture.
When I return home I've got to get laundry taken care of and some more blocks sewn together since the last step was posted this morning for the Mystery Quilt that I am working on and I'm still on step 3 but as Bonnie said - this is NOT a race to the finish. And when it is done I will have tackled my first challenge of 2011 as I have never got along with paper piecing. As I progress to block #60 I am starting to find "my groove". I may yet learn to love this block.
I've got my own challenges to get accomplished as well in the form of completing UFO's. I want to make this year full of successes small and large. I want to have a stack of finished projects before the end of this year. The past two days I've been fighting depression - not sure why either - nothing has happened to make me feel blue. Perhaps it's just the overcast skies and cooler temperatures. Here's to today being the most productive of this week!
Yesterday I went over to Jo-Ann's hoping that the new Spring pattern books would be out but they weren't. I looked through the Winter/Holiday Simplicity and got 5 patterns for 99 cents each as Hobby Lobby has them on sale for that and Jo-Ann's will price match with the Ad from the competitors store. I got 3 patterns for Christening gowns, 1 for stuffed animals (LOVE the horsey) and 1 skirt pattern for me - love the layered skirt. the cat fleece in the background was in the remnant bin and it's nearly 1 1/2 yards - enough I am hoping for a pair of lounging pants for me. And it cost me just $4.68 total. LOVE deals like that. The new fabric they are getting in seems a lot thinner and their prices are going up. I'm truly thankful for my stash. I'll be so happy to look through it for future clothes for myself. SEW SEW SEW.....
Mr. Tesla and Little Nickie watching the wildlife |
The partner's in crime were just so cute yesterday morning - watching squirrels and birds through the window. I HAD TO take their picture.
I better get a move on; have a wonderful day!