This is just a venting post as I have had my fill of disrespectful people this week and it's hard to stay positive and upbeat when you see so much day in and day out.
In this week alone I've witnessed so much...
Two kids under 6 calling each other A _ _ Holes while the mother just stood by and said nothing....
A baby abandoned in a shopping cart near the front of the store while the mother and Grandmother were at the back of the store shopping....
Children ignored as they opened packages or destroyed displays throughout the store....
Children just "turned loose" while Mother's shopped....
ADULTS opening packages and then just throwing them down...
People like this don't realize that if they would mind their children, clean up after themselves or just hand the merchandise to the cashier when they changed their minds it would make their shopping experience a lot better because we could focus more on helping them find what they need and less on cleaning up after them or their children. This world is going to go in the toilet as hardly anyone is teaching children respect for others these days thats for sure.