They can always make us smile. We never know what one of them will be doing when we walk around a corner or into another room. This is Tesla "guarding" the water dish. We have to put a towel under the bowl as Tesla will paw and paw and get the water flowing good and then empty it all out onto the floor.
The children down the street are fully enjoying the fireworks booths - they didn't stop firing them off until after 11 last night; which wouldn't be bad if it was the weekend and we didn't have to get up at 4 AM. I am amazed at how much money is wasted on something so non-essential. And with everything being so dry it can be quite the fire hazzard. Yesterday we got lucky and a storm moved through and dumped a bunch of rain before they started their evening of "fun". Hopefully we will get some more rain this afternoon. We just can't afford to water grass for "looks". I can't eat the lawn - not worth watering to me - City water is just too expensive. Even if we could afford to water it we wouldn't - waste of money.
I'm thinking when we put a new roof on the garage we will do a metal roof so that we can harvest rain water for our garden to save on the water cost of that and to avoid the nasty additives that they add to make it "safe" for us to drink. I will need to research some food grade tanks to store the water in.
Well I better get this day rollin~
The stinky kitty!