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Thursday, July 03, 2014


Sorry I've been out of pocket lately! Been walking by the River, working and crafting! The photos along the river from last weekend... the kids sure were enjoying the river!

Osprey babies!


Someone needs to help that Giant stand back up!

Momma Osprey fishing!

Saw this on our way home and Scott HAD to get out and check it out and photograph it as well. I told him he should write a blog post about what memory it brought to mind.

Flowers I created  from a package of pressed silk flowers I bought on discount at Jo-Ann's a little while ago.

A Ribbon flower!


  1. Lovely spot at the river! Love the Osprey as I watch Sea Eagles in Sydney online. Also love the flower truck and the flowers :).

    1. We thoroughly enjoy walking by the river... always so much to see,


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