Here it is my 5th day of vacation. I am going into work for about an hour for a conference call and then out to coffee with Gypsye for her 40th birthday! I survived it and so will she and having some iced coffee sounds GREAT right now as our A/C is down and we had a long sticky night last night. I'll call today and see when they can come out and do a seasonal check-up and get it going again. It's supposed to rain today and bring cooler temps with it. I hope thats true as I am more than ready for Fall.
Sears is sending someone out to give us estimates on replacement windows and vinyl siding today. We want to get this house ready to sell so that we can get moved up onto our property. It may take longer than we had planned last year but we want to make a good profit on this place.
I've got blocks pinned together for the 1000 triangle quilt and am hoping to work on it some this afternoon while waiting on the Sears dude. We have to have this quilt finished for the winter as our old quilt is literally fallign apart that my Great Aunt Nellie made us as a wedding gift. I need to copy the pattern down from the few blocks that are still intacked. Then I can make a replica of it to replace it and perhaps frame the blocks that are still in good shape. We've had this quilt for nearly 22 years now.
Scott just called he got a ticket this morning just up the street. The Officer said that Scott rolled a stop. He was not happy when he called to let me know about it. He says he will be going to court about it. UGH!
Well I better see what I can do about getting my window up on the truck... it broke on Sunday! So far this vacation has been nearly more stressful than work!