Scott went up to the property yesterday and discovered the highway department has put in a drive for us so now we can get onto our property without driving across the neighbors yard. YEAH! I wish I was off today so that we could go up there together so that I could check it out. OH well maybe I'll be off one day next weekend.
It's been raining a good bit here and it has really "greened" things up. I will need to mow our lawn when I'm off Tuesday or Wednesday. And the bushes out front REALLY need cutting back! Perhaps I will try to start some cuttings so that we can get some plants started to grow on our property. I've all ready planted a Nanking Cherry tree up there and it is doing really well. I'm so excited about this move but still worry how Greg will manage on his own as he is still struggling with handling money. Somedays I wonder if he will ever grow up and take care of himself 100%.
I'm anxious to get our house plans started with Deltec. I so want to be ready to start getting things in motion by next March. Selling this place and getting up onto our land in our very own round home. We have a LOT to do before that can happen though.