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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Decor and a snore....

I was awakened TWICE by something I believe most couples/partners suffer from.... a "snoring blanket hog." These beasts replace wives/husbands/partners and they work and work until they have successfully stolen all the covers so half or more of you is hanging out in the cold air and then they let out a snore to wake the dead... first at about 2 AM and then again about 6 AM. I did wrestle the beast for the covers long enough to sleep a couple more hours but after the second time I decided to just get up and clean a bit and get some Christmas decorations up. The den is nice and clean and the tree is up - of course the "Little Manager" had to Supervise the whole process. He even went and got the Beast  - I mean "Scott" up to get his input on all the moving of furniture; cleaning and decorating.

The Little Manager; AKA - Tesla

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely, Becky! Funny...I both a 'beast' (snoring, blanket hog) and a 'manager'! My manager is named Oliver and he loves to sleep under the tree once it is up.


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