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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another Beautiful Morning

I'm off today and all the typical household chores await me but I may put them aside for a bit and just enjoy the morning; maybe take Amelia for a walk. Thats what we got the dog for anyway - for me to have a walking partner.

I've begun sewing the squares together for the new kitchen table topper. It's going to now be 8 squares by 8 squares and the remaining 5 inch squares will be cut into 2 1/2-inch squares to be utilized in a border strip. Sometimes I just keep designing as I go along until it's finished.

I've been thinking a lot about why I am the way I am. Isolation, secrets, tragedies, accidents, love, hate, feeling all alone, fear, being the one that didn't "fit" the family, illegitimate; closest friends have always been animals - they never said things to hurt me. Phrases I hate.... "No body like me everybody hates me - guess I'll go out and eat worms".... "BASTARD!"...... "God never gives us more than we can't handle".... 

Words DO Hurt!
Everybody deserves love from their family; regardless of birth circumstances.
Actions really DO speak much louder than words.
Sometimes it's not what you say but the fact that you are there for someone when they need another's presence so they don't feel alone.
It's not always important to know what to say but how to really listen.

Be there to listen.... someone around you really needs this everyday.

1 comment:

  1. i have come to love your blog and especially today. i hear the voice of hurt as i share some of it with you. My grandmother was one person who thought everything i did was wonderful (contrary to the rest of the family); i think everyone needs that and i try to be that person as often as i can. Thanks for posting.


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